Commissioned Roses
Royal City Rose
In the summer of 1998, Claude Ledoux, then Horticulture Manager for the City of New Westminster, approached Brad Jalbert to create a rose for the city’s 150th birthday. The chosen rose had to be trouble free, winter hardy, and one that an average gardener could enjoy with minimal fuss. He wanted a pretty colour, a classic rose shape, and he wanted it scented! What he wanted was a miracle. And he got his wish.
Peachy-apricot blooms and outstanding vigour! Highly resistant to disease, extremely winter hardy, and will tolerate some shade better than most roses. This rose can be pruned with hedge clippers if needed or in typical rose fashion each spring. Produces masses of new shoots each season, making this a very long lived shrub rose. ‘Royal City Rose’ has withstood temperatures of -17ºC in the field, and does us proud in no-spray public parks. Flowers are beautifully formed in a classic tea rose style and are held proudly on a dense-growing, healthy shrub.