Our best advice for growing spectacular roses
First, choose a sunny spot in well drained soil. Roses are sun lovers, so the more the better. We recommend that you give your rose four or more hours of full sun. If you must choose between morning or late-day sun, choose morning sun.
Most people over-fertilize their gardens. Over-feeding usually happens when a keen gardener plants a new rose, and rather than giving it a chance to root and grow, tries to force the growth with extra nutrients. Feed when rooted in!
Pruning is a way of fine tuning and controlling the growth of your rose plants. It helps to reduce diseases, keeping the plant shape attractive and also regulates blooming. Proper pruning encourages vigorous new shoots to support larger flowers. Roses love being pruned!
All types of roses can be grown in containers. Growing roses in containers is very simple provided you follow a few simple guidelines. Anyone who tells you that a rose is not suitable for container growing just hasn’t found the right pot yet.
We have the best success when we try to work with Mother Nature, not against her. There are varying degrees of winter hardiness in roses, which can help you choose the risk you want to take in your garden. This is important if you live in colder climates.
I realize that every decision I make on the farm has an effect on the environment. Those decisions are made based on education, consultation, and common sense. I fully realize that I am the steward of our land for just a short while, and I promise to not bring it harm on my watch.