Commissioned Roses
Vogue Anniversary Rose
“First, the Vogue rose should be elegant and of its moment—because standard-setting is important. It should be exquisitely fragrant because, to quote Coco Chanel (who borrowed in turn from the poet Paul Valéry), “a woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” It should be an English rose (the layered, heavily petaled variety favored in gardens, rather than the quick-to-wilt things sold in grocery stores), but with New World roots. Instead of the dusty, dark foliage that often droops below vivacious blooms, it should have leaves as bright and glossy as this magazine. And because fashion is adaptable, fast-traveling, and global, it should be able to thrive anywhere: planted in a Los Angeles garden, potted on a New York City patio, or set along a boulevard in Paris or Milan.”
From Vogue Magazine
Warm shades of peach and apricot, with just a hint of gold, blend to make this superb new introduction. Of the Old English rose style, blooms start out as tight buttons opening to charming rosettes packed full of silky petals. Gardeners will love the tidy easy care plant habit, ideally suited for both containers and garden beds. A rose of this character would not be complete without an enticing perfume, blends of citrus, anise and vanilla bean. Vogue Anniversary is fresh and pleasing to the nose as it is to the eye.